Gender roles and expectations

graffiti at Scott Library

graffiti at Scott Library


When I'm on campus, I spend most of my time at Scott Library. Most of the desks, and the walls on the fourth floor quiet study room are filled with all types of graffiti; from the expletive comments to phone numbers advertising questionable services.

After looking at most of these graffiti around Scott Library, I feel there is a bond  or a familiarity between the artists of the graffiti and the viewer.  I also realized that these graffiti serves as a link or some form of communication between students, both past and current, on a cultural economic level. On my way to campus everyday, I have noticed that on busses and advertisement board, there are ads boards that encourage citizens to report graffiti.

Since most of the buildings at York U are privately owned private spaces. Graffiti is seen as a crime and something distasteful. Generally speaking, York follows the example of the city to be more anti graffiti. The city of Toronto has put measures in place to completely remove all trace of graffiti on the public and private spaces.

Sometimes when I pass through parts of downtown in the GTA area, I wistfully think that  artists, activists and whatnots have completely abandoned the areas. Graffiti, ultimately, is work of human expression. The nature of graffiti is revealed in the symbolisms, characteristics and the plain incomprehensibility forms that are established.

While gazing on this particular graffiti(fig 1), that is located on the walls of the fourth floor of Scott Library, I have noticed that the theme of temperance and permanence as revealed in the countless slogans of love confessions written with some type of permanent on wooden and brick walls with this . The dominant feature of the artwork includes  the obscure illustration of the barbie doll, the macho guy in sunglasses and the unique comments attached to them .

This graffiti invokes a strong sense of sentimentality and a "homely" sense of belonging. Gender roles are lauded and shown in the most simple way possible  The female artist uses this illustrations to  Far from being  portrayed in significant, obnoxious manner that may be found elsewhere, this graffiti, obviously wrought out by a female student, has a soft welcoming, and easily recognizable symbols and characters that can be understood almost immediately.

Looking at  graffiti (figure 1)  I feel that it is purely a cultural practice. The female student, for one reason or another, chose to share with everyone her  thoughts on self-contentment, intimacy and self identity all of which combine to form expressions that resonates with everyone.

The barbie doll is a sign of physical and psychological state of being. The female artist expresses conformity to the  general stereotypes  associated with the barbie doll. This makes me think that the cultural norms of body image and gender roles regarding women are being observed and still followed.

The female artist, through her graffiti aspires to a self identity that is flawed and is mass induced by the media. As with any graffiti, this female artist is conveying a message of societal conformation through gender roles and performance. Graffiti are popular used by youth to voice dissent and disobedience to authority, but this graffiti I believe, ironically, advocates the opposite. although very little or timid in scope fits the bill of being wholly inappropriate or illegal.

This graffiti does not seem to be racial in nature, but after review, a couple points comes to mind. I feel that the whole area was more feminine in appeal , even though I managed to spot other male graffiti work, but they were more minor.

The style and form of this graffiti seems to be very plain in the sense visual and is not vague or mystic as other graffiti are shown. The female artist, I feel does not belong to any secret organizations against any anti graffiti governmentality, as Iverson would point out. Nor is she advocate for graffiti arts.

In a nutshell, this graffiti, represents a very female centric atmosphere and I believe that the private space on which this graffiti in figure 1 is drawn, represents  a function within that space. I believe that the function is similar to a message board where information is posted for everyone to know.

After touring parts of downtown GTA, I have a feeling that the stylishness and esthetic quality of graffiti among youth of my generation, the millennials  are fading and will soon become a memory in the distant future.



I believe that the growth of technological communications in this global society has become a far more efficient and effective tool to creatively express one thought and desire; especially in  first world countries where the boundaries between government roles and societal expectations are less tense and intimidating than in other third world countries where  governments  plays a robust role in public and private lives of its citizens.

I believe that personal freedom and financial status  both private and public contributes to the manifestation of outward expressions such as graffiti. Remembering the short video about the young Iranian woman who has started working into the world of graffiti, seeking some sort of creative expression through graffiti.

It is clear to see from the space in which the Iranian lays out her art, there isn't any governmentality of anti graffiti in the area she chooses to work. The area she works in looks poverty stricken and abandoned, in contrast to the York U and the Canadian society in general  that is indulgent and prosperous.  I think that third world countries will continue to yield artists who  make visually aesthetic art form of graffiti.

As I walk from one walk desk to another, I get the feeling that within York U buildings, women are more likely to display their expressions in a seemly private limited sphere. Men, I think are much more likely to display their art(Is graffiti art or not) on a much broader landscape, in a much broader public sphere.

The wall on which this graffiti at Scott library is done,  is cement based structure, thus one gets the feeling that this graffiti will remain,if it was wrought on some type of ink whether ordinary or permanent for the foreseeable future.

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